[Salon] Azov Neo-Nazi Symbol On Armor Worn By White Mass Murderer Of Black Elders In Buffalo

I have no reason not to see this as legitimate, given the “globalization” of “Universal Fascism,” as Michael Ledeen wrote so lovingly of back in the 1970s, and since. And as is coming to fruition before our eyes with The American Conservative’s favorite Israeli Settler, Yoram Hazony’s National Conservatism (a continuation of the ideology of Meir Kahane, whom Hazony began as a follower of), as we saw with the coalition of European fascists gathered around the “Nazional Conservative’s" Rome conference, to much acclaim here with Conservatives, especially with The American Conservative magazine, and its Straussian co-conspirators.

> To this question: "But how could President Zelensky, who is of Jewish ancestry, be allied with Nazis?” The answer is that to be “Fascist,” doesn’t exclude being Jewish, as those Jewish Italian Fascists in Mussolini’s government before 1938 presumably didn’t object too loudly to the alliance between Mussolini’s Italy and Germany’s Nazis. Before Hitler demanded Mussolini join him in anti-semitism, as the record shows. Nor did the self-declared “Fascists” of Jabotinsky’s  “Revisionist Movement” object to alliances with Mussolini, but on the contrary, celebrated their fascist ideology, out of which would come the next generation of fascists, like Benzion Netanyahu and Menachen Begin, whom Einstein and Hannah Arendt and other Jewish Americans would identify as a fascist.

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> went2thebridge <https://went2thebridge.org/>
> Organizing and actions to resist the moral and financial bankrupting of the U.S. through wars against the poor, at home and abroad.
> Posted by: went2thebridge
>  <https://went2thebridge.org/2022/05/16/azov-neo-nazi-symbol-on-armor-worn-by-white-mass-murderer-of-black-elders-in-buffalo/>
> Azov Neo-Nazi Symbol On Armor Worn By White Mass Murderer Of Black Elders In Buffalo <https://went2thebridge.org/2022/05/16/azov-neo-nazi-symbol-on-armor-worn-by-white-mass-murderer-of-black-elders-in-buffalo/>
>  <https://i0.wp.com/went2thebridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FSyb7W7agAAoguU.jpeg?ssl=1>
> At least ten Black people were killed <https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/crime/what-we-know-tops-shooting-victims-buffalo-mass-shooting/71-30ad7b83-6732-4780-8f0d-ce6d5f656752> and several more were injured by an 18 year old white supremacist who traveled to Buffalo, New York to shoot up a grocery store in a predominately Black zip code. Many of the victims were elders known for supporting the needs of their communities <https://www.arkrepublic.com/2022/05/16/african-american-elders-women-main-targets-in-buffalo-n-y-massacre>.
> The image above on the left is allegedly the home page of Buffalo shooter displaying “black sun” logo which can also be seen as background on a patch worn by uniformed Azov Batallion neo-Nazis in Ukraine today. You can see it here on a Ukranian magazine called “Black Sun” from 2015.
>  <https://i0.wp.com/went2thebridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FSvlyJEWYAQoALX.png?ssl=1>
> Source: Global Thinker on Twitter <https://twitter.com/talkrealopinion/status/1525566940617531398>
> It’s the same symbol used by the mosque shooter who shot up Muslim congregations killing 50+ in Christchurch, New Zealand three years ago, displayed on his manifesto <https://thesoufancenter.org/intelbrief-the-transnational-network-that-nobody-is-talking-about/> and backpack (see left image below).
>  <https://i0.wp.com/went2thebridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FSysAzjX0AExACy.jpeg?ssl=1>
> Source: Fake Believe on Twitter <https://twitter.com/OutOfPlaceAudio/status/1525783534388006912>
> Why would it matter what designs or logos mass shooters use when targeting Black or Muslim people?
> The “black sun” logo links directly to a powerful far-right militia being armed as part of the billions from U.S. taxpayers flowing to Ukraine.
> Provision in the obscene military spending bills was not made for keeping money out of the hands of far-right militias that the Ukranian government is allied with and uses for military projection. An amendment with that provision was defeated in the U.S. Congress, a body which primarily represents weapons manufacturers at this point in history.
> As we gallop toward the risks of a nuclear WW3 by waging proxy war on Russia via Ukraine. many who get their information from mainstream, lockstep media ask: But how could President Zelensky, who is of Jewish ancestry, be allied with Nazis?
> Maybe, like the rest of us, Zelensky just wants to live another day <https://towardfreedom.org/story/archives/europe/how-ukraines-jewish-president-volodymyr-zelensky-made-peace-with-neo-nazi-paramilitaries-on-front-lines-of-war-with-russia/>.
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>  <https://went2thebridge.org/2022/05/11/war-on-palestine-requires-war-on-truth-death-to-journalists/>
> War On Palestine Requires War On Truth, Death To Journalists <https://went2thebridge.org/2022/05/11/war-on-palestine-requires-war-on-truth-death-to-journalists/>
>  <https://i0.wp.com/went2thebridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/9rHHfC2P.jpeg?ssl=1>
> Women in Jordan mourn Shireen Abu Akleh  photo source: Haaretz <https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/1524345462362238976>
> With sadness I awoke to the news that Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was shot in the head by Israeli forces (IDF) in the West Bank region of occupied Palestine.
> The journalist was wearing body armor with PRESS in bold letters on her flak vest; presumably a sniper aimed for her head?
> Here’s the last known photo of Abu Akleh, doing her job:
>  <https://i0.wp.com/went2thebridge.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/FSeSJhaWYAAyey5.jpeg?ssl=1>
> Photo source: Arwa Ibrahim <https://twitter.com/arwaib/status/1524347699700580352> on Twitter
> Israel has been violently evicting families in the West Bank <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/5/rights-groups-slam-israeli-ruling-that-allows-razing-of-villages> while bombing Gaza and Damascus in recent days. Abu Akleh was covering an IDF raid on the Jenin refugee camp when she was murdered.
> Rapper Lowkey <https://english.alaraby.co.uk/opinion/israeli-state-funded-campaign-replace-al-aqsa> took the Associated Press to task in a tweet about their reporting of the incident.
> All the terror is not on one side. For the second Ramadan in a row the IDF targetted worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, wounding some <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/5/israeli-forces-storm-al-aqsa-as-hundreds-of-settlers-gather> and arresting others, while Palestinians repelled IDF soldiers by throwing rocks and petrol bombs. And an unusual event inside Israel this week resulted in three deaths by stabbing in a knife and ax attack near Tel Aviv <https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/5/6/pay-the-price-israel-hunts-attackers-who-killed-3-in-stabbings>. The two assailants were believed to be Palestinian young men from Jenin.
> Also hard to see as coincidental was an act of terrorism (i.e. instilling fear) on a flight from Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport where passengers were sent photos of various airline crashes while waiting to fly to Turkey. Twitter eerily reported these two news events consecutively in their “What’s Happening” section this morning.
>  <https://i0.wp.com/blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhMv2sqLtIQV-6gCG8nqTcGk_aJyEkf9HVYnE4mcyFIl3g8Kk0OPQl6QGxPF4wuJGEkVX98WE32SlvG3M1CiE4dtm3PrHjGFhMlebOUb37GihVkYN-33cAKYc61BkVlw2ByyHpLh6IfoNYjEybRvIyXLT36WkE_O25YSyNrSIUr6s07fo87d9EfEJRy/s351/Screenshot%202022-05-11%207.18.43%20AM.png?ssl=1>
> War on journalists is not new but has ramped up in recent years especially as the poster boy for press freedom, Julian Assange, languishes in Belmarsh Prison <https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/01/05/assa-j05.html> awaiting word of his possible extradition to the U.S. to be charged as a spy. Assange is an Australian citizen whose wikileaks website published evidence of U.S. and Israeli war crimes, and he has been publicly tortured for practicing journalism in the years since.
> RIP Shireen Abu Akleh and all who dare to report truth amid the fog of wars.
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